Septic Maintenance
The Do's and Dont's of Septic Tank Maintenance
It’s important to properly maintain septic tanks foe the health and safety of not just family members, but also neighbors and the community. If you own a septic tank, please consider the following list of Do’s and Don’ts of Septic Maintenance:
The Do's
- Pump and inspect your septic tank often. Pumping frequency will depend on the size of the tank and the number of people using the system. For example a 1000 gallon tank, serving a family of four, will typical require pumping every 2 to 3 years.
- Conserve water and fix all plumbing leaks that can overload the septic system.
- Limit the use of garbage disposals. Consider composting as an excellent alternative.
- Limit the use of harsh household chemicals that can have harmful effects on the bacteria that enables the septic system to properly process human waste.
The Don'ts
- Do not plant deep rooted trees on or around the location of the septic tank.
- Do not pour kitchen grease down your drain.
- Do not flush cigarette butts, sanitary napkins, or household trash down the toilet.
- Do not drive heavy machinery over the leach filed.
- Do not connect roof drains to the septic system or allow surface water to drain into the leach field.
- Do not drain your septic tank toe nearby swale or ditch.
- Do not ignore signs of problems.
Proper maintenance of your septic system can help prevent high E. Coli counts in the surrounding watershed and is beneficial to your health and the health of your loved ones and community. For more information, contact Bucks County Health Department at 215-345-3317.