History of Hilltown Towsnhip
In 1683, William Penn met the Indian Chiefs of the Delaware Nation on the land where Hilltown Village now sits

The first recorded history in Hilltown Township was made in 1683, when William Penn met the Indian Chiefs of the Delaware Nation on the land where Hilltown Village now sits.
In those days, it was known as the "Perkasie Indian Town." The settlers arrived in approximately 1700. The settlers were mostly Welsh Baptist, with a few Hugenots and English Quakers. They petitioned the King's Governor to establish a town in 1721.
The old Bethlehem Road (the Minsi Indian trail), now called Hilltown Pike, was used from the year 1683 to travel from Philadelphia to the Durham iron mines.
The Mennonites arrived in 1727, with the Germans coming shortly after. Hilltown Township remained a farming community up until the end of World War II, when new single homes were built here and there. Large developments started at the end of the 1970's.