# Goverment
- GovernmentBoards & Commissions
- GovernmentBoard of Supervisors
- InformationEmergency Management
- NewsGolden Watch Program
- Meeting2023/05/09
- How do I...?Where can I find a Professional Service Agreement (PSA)?
- Meeting2021/05/19
- GovernmentDocuments & Forms
- Meeting2021/04/08
- Meeting2021/03/22
- Meeting2020/12/17
- Meeting2020/12/10 (3)
- How do I...?How do I get on the next Zoning Hearing Board agenda?
- Meeting2020/10/22
- Meeting2020/12/28
- Meeting2020/10/08 (1)
- Meeting2020/10/19
- Board of SupervisorsOrdinances
- Board of SupervisorsResolutions
- GovernmentMeetings (Agendas, Minutes, Decisions)
- Meeting2020/10/08
- Meeting2020/09/03
- Meeting2020/07/09 (1)
- Meeting2020/07/09 (2)
- Meeting2020/07/16
- Meeting2020/07/09
- Meeting2020/05/18
- Meeting2020/04/27
- Meeting2020/03/02
- Meeting2020/05/21
- Meeting2020/03/23
- Meeting2020/03/26
- Meeting2020/03/19 (1)
- Meeting2020/03/19
- Meeting2020/01/27
- Meeting2020/02/17
- Meeting2020/02/20
- Board of SupervisorsComprehensive Plan
- How do I...?Where do I find minutes, agendas or decisions from meetings?
- pdfOrdinance 2024-003 Wastewater pH Limitations & Specific Pollutant Limitations
- pdfResolution 2024-015
- pdfResolution 2024-014
- pdfResolution 2024-012
- pdfResolution 2023-016
- pdf9 18 2023
- pdfResolution 2023-015
- pdfResolution 2023-014
- pdfResolution 2023-013
- pdfResolution 2023-012
- pdf5 15 2023
- pdfResolution 2023-011
- pdf2023-001 General Hancock Enterprises, L.P.
- pdfZHB Decision 2022-011 Leahy
- pdfResolution 2023-010
- pdf10 17 2022
- pdf2022-013 County Central, LLC
- pdf1 17 2023
- pdfResolution 2023-009
- pdfResolution 2023-008
- pdfResolution 2023-007
- pdfResolution 2023-006
- pdfResolution 2023-005
- pdfResolution 2023-004
- pdfResolution 2023-003
- pdfResolution 2023-002
- pdfResolution 2023-001
- pdfResolution 2022-020 Acceptance of Deed of Dedication - Mill Ridge Subdivison
- pdfResolution 2022-016 Authorizing the Execution of Maintenance Agreement for Minsi Trl. & Rte. 113
- pdfResolution 2022-017 Planning Revision for New Development Sewage Facilities
- pdfResolution 2022-019 Acceptance of Deed of Dedication - Tice Estates
- pdfResolution 2022-018 Adopt Articles of Amendment to Increase the Term of Existence of Authority to 50 Years
- pdfOrdinance 2022-003 Amend Chapter 137 Restricting the Stockpiling or Depositing of Yard Waste within the Right of Way of Public Streets
- pdfZHB Decision 2022-008 Kyle Defelice Decision
- pdf8 15 2022
- pdf10 17 2022
- pdf2022-010 Carson Estate Trust
- pdfZHB Decision 2022-002 Haney
- pdfOrdinance 2022-001 Repealing Chapter 134 Stormwater Management
- pdf6 27 2022
- pdfZHB Decision 2022-006 Angelo Franco
- pdfResolution 2022-014 Route 313 Public Sewer Extension - Resolution for Plan Revision
- pdf2022-002 Stephen & Marie Haney
- pdf6 6 2022
- pdf4 11 2022
- pdfResolution 2022-013 Plan Revision for New Land Development
- pdf2022-006 Angelo Franco
- pdfFence Agreement Application
- pdf3 28 2022
- pdfResolution 2022-012 Traffic Signal Maintenance
- pdf4 18 2022
- pdfZHB Decision 2022-001 Brian & Cheryl Kannengieszer
- pdfResolution 2022-001 5% Contribution from the Police to the Police Pension Fund
- pdfResolution 2022-002 No Pension Fund Contributions for Non-Uniformed Employees
- pdfResolution 2022-003 Board of Supervisors Meeting Dates
- pdfResolution 2022-004 Planning Commission Meeting Dates
- pdfResolution 2022-005 Employee Holidays
- pdfResolution 2022-006 Fee Schedule
- pdfResolution 2022-007 Disposition of Records
- pdfResolution 2022-008 Tax Rate for 2022
- pdfResolution 2022-009 Appoint Delegates to Vote at TCC Meeting
- pdf2021-009 ESP Investment Group, LLC
- pdfProfessional Service Agreement
- pdfResolution 2021-017 PADEP Sewage Facilities Planning Module 1223 Keystone Drive Minor Subdivision
- pdf6 21 2021
- pdfZHB Decision 2021-007 Joseph & Selena Pulli
- pdfZHB Decision 2021-006 Arinsburg Assoc., Inc.
- pdf2021-007 Joseph & Salena Pulli
- pdf5 19 2021
- pdf5 3 2021
- pdf3 15 2021
- pdfResolution 2021-013 Authorization to Advertise & Post the Linke Application to Join the Hilltown Township Agricultural Security
- pdf3 22 2021
- pdf2021-004 Francis & Tiffany Leahy
- pdf1 19 2021
- pdf2 15 2021
- pdfResolution 2021-001 Require 5% Contribution from Hilltown Police Department for Police Pension
- pdfResolution 2021-002 No Pension Contribution from Non-Uniform Employees
- pdfResolution 2021-004 Planning Commission Meeting Dates for 2021
- pdfResolution 2021-005 Non-Uniform Holidays for 2021
- pdfResolution 2021-006 Fee Schedule
- pdfResolution 2021-007 Disposition of Records
- pdfResolution 2021-008 Establishing Tax Rates for the Calendar Year 2021
- pdfResolution 2021-009 Appoint Representatives to TCC for 2021
- pdfResolution 2021-010 Establishing Commission Rate for the Office of Tax Collector
- pdfZHB Decision 2020-016 Travis Dent
- pdfZHB Decision 2020-015 Kathleen & James Trucksess
- pdfZHB Decision 2020-013 Carole Anthony
- pdfZHB Decision 2020-012 Gordon Builders, LLC
- pdf1 19 2021
- pdfZHB Decision 2020-010 Kathryn & Martin Hannon
- pdf11 23 2020
- pdfZHB Decision 2020-009 - Sensinger
- pdf2020-017 Caitlin Keller
- pdf2020-015 James & Kathleen Trucksess
- pdfZHB Decision 2020-008 Richard Leone, Jr.
- pdf2020-013 Carole Anthony
- pdf2020-012 Gordon Moyer Builders, LLC
- pdf10 19 2020
- pdf2020-011 BSA, LLC
- pdf11 16 2020
- pdf2020-010 Kathryn & Martin Hannon
- pdf9-21-2020
- pdf10 19 2020
- pdf2020-008 Richard E. Leone Jr.
- pdfZHB Decision 2020-006 - Goettner
- pdfZHB Decision 2020-005 - Stellino
- pdfResolution 2020-017 Small Flow Treatment Facility (SFTF) 18 Rosenberger Dr.
- pdfResolution 2020-016 Hallmark Bldg. Group Land of Assal Sewage Facilities Planning Module
- pdfResolution 2020-015 781 Minsi Trail Planning Module
- pdfZHB Decision No. 2020-002 - County Line Plaza
- pdfZHB Decsion No. 2020-003 - Britton Industries
- pdfResolution 2020-014 Revise Police Pension Plan
- pdfResolution 2020-013 Revise Non-Uniform Pension Plan
- pdfResolution 2020 012 Pedestrian Path DCNR Grant
- pdfResolution 2020-011 Extend Date for Payment of Real Estate Taxes
- pdfResolution 2020 010 Accepting Application for Ag. Security - Matthew & Melissa Hostrander
- pdf3 23 2020
- pdf4 27 2020
- pdf3 16 2020
- pdf2020-003 Britton Industries
- pdf2 24 2020
- pdfTraining Fliers for New Voting Machine
- pdf1 6 2020
- pdf12 19 2019
- pdfResolution 2020 009 Appoint Representatives to TCC for 2020
- pdfResolution 2020 008 Establishing Tax Rates for the Calendar Year 2020
- pdfResolution 2020 007 Disposition of Records
- pdfResolution 2020 006 Fee Schedule for 2020
- pdfResolution 2020 005 Non-Uniform Holiday for 2020
- pdfResolution 2020 004 Planning Commission Mtg Dates for 2020
- pdfResolution 2020 003 Board Of Supervisors Mtg Dates for 2020
- pdfResolution 2020 002 No Pension Contribution from Non-Uniform Employees
- pdfResolution 2020 001 5% Contribution from Hilltown Police Department for Police Pension
- pdfZHB Decision No. 2019 012 Britton Industries
- pdfZHB Decision No. 2019 009 Michael & Michelle Bongiovanni
- pdfZHB Decision No. 2019 008 Robert Gordon a/k/a Gordon Builders, LLC
- pdfResolution 2019-019 Addition to Ag. Security - Matthew C. & Melissa Hostrander, 900 Quarry Road
- pdfSeptember 23, 2019
- pdfSeptember 12, 2019
- pdf10 14 2019
- pdfHilltown Township Existing Land Use Map
- pdfHilltown Township Sewer Service Map
- pdfORDINANCE NO. 2019 002 Code Of Ordinances
- pdfZHB Decision No. 2019 001 Santos
- pdfORDINANCE NO. 1995-002 Adopt 1995 Zoning Ordinance
- pdfZHB Application
- pdfHilltown Township Open Space, Preserved Lands & Community Facilities Map